
Little big adventure 2 mobile
Little big adventure 2 mobile

This is also the case with movable platforms.

little big adventure 2 mobile

To rummage through bins, read posters, pull levers you simply press on them to walk to them and the action happens automatically. In my opinion they shouldn't have added this feature as it removes a lot of mystery. You can zoom out by pinching to see pretty much the whole scene. Double tapping will automatically exit discrete mode.Īn other big change is the ability to zoom, or more specifically, zoom out. In this move Twinsen will move silently, and throwing the ball is still in a high arc. I only used the swipe attack when I had to be fast.ĭiscrete mode needs to be activated manually using the two foot steps icon on the HUD. Swiping will probably work better on a tablet than on a phone. If you swipe a NPC Twinsen will try to throw it at the NPC, or you can swipe in a given direction and Twinsen will throw the ball in that direction. The other way to throw the ball is to swipe.

little big adventure 2 mobile

In the original game you often had to try multiple times to hit your target. This can be really useful to precisely hit the object you want. The arc draw for the ball will also indicate how the ball will bounce of the environment. So jumping changes into throwing when you are outside of the jump distance. The first way, which I used the most, is by dragging Twinsen just like when you would jump, but then continue on dragging until the arc changes color. Once you get your magic ball you can use it in different ways. And just a hint, the soldiers and clones usually do not fancy a chat. This will become useful in cases where you accidentally attack a friendly character you wanted to talk to. To abort talking or attacking simply tap somewhere else for Twinsen to move to. To just talk to NPCs you tap once, this will give the NPC a green outline instead. Once you get the sword, Twinsen will always use the sword to attack rather than his fists. Twinsen will keep attacking the selected NPC until its dead. When an NPC is selected to be attacked it will get a red outline. Attacking can be done by double tapping a NPC. A blue arc is drawn where Twinsen will more or less land.Īggressive mode has been reduced to just attacking. To jump, you drag Twinsen from his current location to the direction you want to jump to. When you keep your finger on the screen after the tap or double tap Twinsen will keep moving to the location your finger is pointing. Because the control mechanism is not as precise as the keyboard Twinsen will no longer hurt himself when running into obstacles. To run, you double tap and Twinsen will start to run instead of walk. There is no path finding, so Twinsen will move in a straight line and stop when he cannot continue. To move Twinsen around you simply press a location on the screen and Twinsen will move towards this location. Behavior is no longer an explicit mode, except for the discrete mode. Because of this the behavioral menu is gone. DotEmu completely changed the control scheme to make it playable on a touch screen. On the gameplay field quite a few things have changed. So if you want to play the game in German or Spanish instead of English it is possible. All the different languages from the original game are included. But these lower quality assets should not stop your from having a great (re-)experience of the adventures of Twinsen. The MIDI tracks have been converted a wave format, and it sounds quite good, as if it was not based on MIDI to begin with. LBA used music in MIDI form and a few CD tracks. You will also notice pixelated edges, and the movies are a bit blurry. This means that the voices are of the same quality as they were in 1994, it is not as clear as you would expect from modern games. So it is the same story, same art, and more or less the same gameplay. The mobile version is a straight port of the original game with a bunch of adjustments for touch based input.

little big adventure 2 mobile

This review will only discuss the differences between the original game, and the mobile version. Given the fact that this site is dedicated to LBA I will not go into reviewing the game design, we already know it is an excellent game. This review is based on the iOS version which I played on an iPhone 5.

Little big adventure 2 mobile android#

LBA is available for both Android ( Google Play, Amazon Appstore) and iOS.

little big adventure 2 mobile

The people from DotEmu were kind enough to provide me with a review copy of the now available mobile version of Little Big Adventure.

Little big adventure 2 mobile